Saturday, December 6, 2008

Is the chocolate in my Advent calendar worth eating? Day 6

Today was a study-filled day for me. My desk is in the bedroom, right next to the window that leads out to the fire escape. I've caught some pigeons staring at me through the window before, but today there were two pigeons fighting on our fire escape. One managed to knock the other one down from the railing onto the "floor" part of the fire escape, and then followed him down and bit his neck for awhile. I called Joe into the bedroom to check it out, because it was pretty funny. Then it gave me the idea of what I should do with today's chocolate.

I opened the chocolate today, and I'm not really sure what it is. It's sort of reminiscent of a bird, and I decided that once again, this calendar is predicting the future.

Since I'd be sitting at my desk all day, I figured I would put the chocolate right outside the window so I'd be ready with my camera when the pigeons would surely fight over this Christmas delight. In order to be able to accurately judge whether or not the pigeons liked or would even eat the chocolate, I put a small piece of bread next to the chocolate, because any good experiment should have a control. The bread was leftover from my breakfast, and I consider it to be a "high quality sandwich roll," meaning that it's probably higher quality than the chocolate on the taste scale, but certainly falls well below the chocolate on the Schnell! scale.

I sat at my desk studying all day, and the pigeons didn't come back. As I was waiting for my pictures to upload to the blog, I googled "Can pigeons eat chocolate?" and found some disturbing information. It turns out that chocolate is quite toxic to birds (even milk chocolate which has a lower content of theobromine, which is what poisons the bird) and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and death. Granted, it may not be as explosive as leaving Alka-Seltzer out there, but I think I'm going to go now and clean up the chocolate so I don't have to clean up dead pigeon.

I would say that the results of this experiment are that the chocolate in my Advent calendar is not worth eating to the pigeons of Sunnyside, but ultimately, I will just admit that it is inconclusive.

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