Monday, June 8, 2009

State of the Future of My Blog

Dearest Readers,

It's approaching that time. The time I've been waiting for since about two days after I moved to New York. It's almost time to move out from underneath apartment 6N. I am writing this now, because we have an important decision to make in the next few weeks. Namely, what am I supposed to do with a blog that I started because of my obnoxious upstairs neighbors when I no longer have obnoxious upstairs neighbors (as of July 4)?

You will notice that there is now a poll in my sidebar, so that you, the three readers who have been regaled with my tales about the drumming from above, the terrible taste in music that 6Ners have, the six to seven people who live in a one-bedroom apartment above me, as well as my other random thoughts, can choose the fate of this blog. If you have other ideas, please make them known in a comment.



P.S. I hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying I won't have obnoxious upstairs neighbors in the new place. It's entirely possible that I will. I was promised by the leasing agent that they'd have to drop something very heavy for me to know they're up there, though. Something heavy like a piano.


joe said...

this is pretty important.

i think i need to take my time with my vote, but i'm leaning heavily towards leaving the login information for the future residents of 5N


Unknown said...

I agree with joe regarding the magnitude of this decision.

Your Honor, I'm requesting a continuance until the weekend.


Mandy said...

Alright, who chose "other" in the poll and didn't tell me their fabulous idea?

Justin-you should have until the end of the weekend to vote.

Unknown said...

I was halfway expecting (and hoping) to have been held in contempt for not responding over the weekend as I previously indicated.


joe said...

i voted for option 1, although i think you should post the address for the entire building to read also.

Mandy said...

Justin-clearly you are putting a lot of thought into your decision. But don't worry, no matter what the decision, I will clearly continue blogging. After all, someone has to advise the world about which Advent calendar has the best chocolate.

I think you have 5 hours left to vote before you're technically in contempt, and once you're in contempt, there will be sanctions.
