Friday, June 19, 2009

Reason #2 why it's dumb to put coffee in a bag

Yesterday was another rainy day in NYC, which has been pretty standard for the past couple weeks.  After packing a few boxes for our upcoming move (!!!), I decided to reward my hard work with coffee and a sugary treat, so I headed out to Sugar & Joe, a relatively new Sunnyside establishment that seems to specialize in coffee and sugary things.

It was about a ten minute walk to get there, and I was pretty soaked once I arrived.  I couldn't decide what treat I wanted, so I figured I'd get one for then, and one for later so that I wouldn't have to venture out again in the rain.  I chose a lemon cupcake, and a s'mores bar, in addition to my coffee.  Each sugary confection was placed in an individual plastic container, and then both containers were put in a paper bag.  I managed to stop the woman before she put my coffee in a separate paper bag.

Since it was pouring out, of course the paper bag holding my treats started to get soaked. I wore a raincoat instead of taking an umbrella, which was my own mistake, but the raincoat allows me to use both hands to carry coffee and cupcakes. Anyway, as you can see, I didn't make it all the way home before the paper bag just gave out, and my loot fell to the sidewalk. I was crushed, because the container holding the s'mores bar popped open, and it fell on the sidewalk. I was really glad my coffee made it unscathed, and I learned that it's always better to buy two treats, because if you drop the only cupcake you buy, well, that's even more soul-crushing.

Unfortunately, I probably missed out on the better of the two treats. I assume I did anyway, because the cupcake was really bad. The cake part was vanilla/bland-ish, and very dry. The icing was lemony, but it was kind of hard and unremarkable. I definitely wouldn't buy another cupcake there, and I don't think I'm very difficult to please when it comes to cupcakes.


Unknown said...

Fat kid solution: Eat all sweets immediately.


thecrankyhippie said...