Sunday, April 26, 2009

Have you seen this show?

I don't have cable television, so I don't get to watch a lot of the new t.v. shows coming out these days, or see the previews for them. Most of my t.v. watching is done on the internet, so I'm often blissfully unaware of the new programs coming out. You can imagine my surprise when I was riding the Metro North train with Joe last weekend and saw a poster for this:
At first I thought it was a joke, because it reminded me of the episode of 30 Rock where there's a Survivor-esque reality show called "MILF Island." Then I realized The Cougar is going to be a real show. And now I'm thinking that I should get a job where all I have to do is come up with absurd television show ideas, because certainly I could come up with something better than The Cougar, right?

Speaking of 30 Rock, every time I hear a commercial for the show "Cold Case," all I hear is "Gold Case."

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