Friday, February 27, 2009

Update on the Man-Sitter, a.k.a. Three Seat Spread

You may remember that I posted about the obnoxious habits of men on the NY subway. That post was inspired by one particularly obnoxious leg-spreader, who also decided to carry on a loud cell phone conversation. If any of you are 30 Rock watchers, you'll know that tonight's episode featured the much anticipated "Asif" character.

Thankfully, the Man-Sitter did not get the part. I also learned that my eavesdropping skills need a little improvement, although I was a forced eavesdropper in that situation, not a voluntary participant. When Man-Sitter was talking about his audition, I thought I heard him say that the role was for a "copy writer (copyrighter?)," so I assumed that Asif would be a new writer on the show, and shortened it to "writer" in my previous blog. Well, what I heard as "copy writer" turned out to be "cab driver."

I wasn't paying close attention to 30 Rock tonight, but I'm also pretty sure they didn't use the Asif/As if joke that Man-Sitter talked about. That's probably a good thing, because although I'm sure it would have been funnier on 30 Rock than it was coming out of Man-Sitter's mouth, it still seemed a little weak.

Hopefully we can all take something away from tonight. 30 Rock should learn to stop calling Man-Sitter back to try out for parts, because he loudly divulges information about the show on the subway. Plus, who wants a nobody actor who feels the necessity to spread out and publicly air out his mangina? Certainly not the small female riders on the NY subway! I have learned that I need to improve my eavesdropping skills if I'm going to accurately report subway happenings on my blog. And I hope that Man-Sitter has learned to shut his legs. Just air it out at home dude.

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