Sunday, February 22, 2009

Noise that doesn't come from 6N

On Saturday, I discovered that it's not only the sounds of apartment 6N that can wake me up and bother me. The apartment doesn't have a great deal of temperature control, so Joe and I usually leave the windows open at night to keep the temperature comfortable. On Friday morning, Joe (who usually sleeps quite late) was woken up by the sound of some pigeons on our fire escape. He got up, closed the window, and left me to sleep for another hour or so, since I can usually sleep through a lot more noise than he can. Unfortunately, on Saturday morning, I woke up to the sound of pigeons on the fire escape. I was worried that they would wake up Joe and make him cranky, so I quickly got out of bed and went to shut the window. Once I got to the window though, I promptly woke up Joe by saying, "Ewwwwwww!!!!", because when I looked out the window, I saw two pigeons having sexy time on our fire escape. As soon as I said, "Ewwwww!", the pigeons promptly separated, like teenagers being caught doing something they're not supposed to be doing.

I could still hear the pigeons on the fire escape after I went back to bed, and I was kind of disappointed that I didn't have my camera near the window to get a video to post on the blog. I'll be ready next time.

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