Thursday, February 12, 2009

That noise upstairs is definitely drums, and we met one guy from 6N

Last night I was sitting in the kitchen trying to finish my homework. It was about 11 p.m., and I kept getting distracted by the drumming coming from upstairs. There was drumming coming from 6N the night before as well, until 1:30 a.m. It might have lasted even later than 1:30, but eventually I fell asleep. As soon as Joe walked in the door last night, I pointed out the drumming, and he decided that he would go upstairs and confront the neighbor. I decided to go with him, just to make sure we all started things off nicely, and to be there to call 911 in case someone from 6N mistook Joe for an extra instrument and started hitting him with drum sticks.

Joe headed out the door pretty fast, so I didn't have a chance to grab my camera to get a picture of 6N, and I also didn't have time to grab the switchblade out of my nightstand. I really do have a switchblade in my nightstand, not for protection or anything, but because one of my friends has a crazy family, and her family mailed her a bunch of knives. She showed me how to flip it out and look like a badass, and every time I've gotten out my knife to play with, it's totally freaked out Joe. He's convinced that when I'm flipping it open, I'm going to let go of the knife and somehow stab him. What this all means is that I have no fun pictures of me standing in front of apartment 6N with my switchblade to post, sorry.

Anyway, the guy took a long time to answer the door, and informed us that he had just gotten his drums that day. Funny that we heard them the night before....maybe he was banging on some pots and pans all night since he couldn't contain his excitement? I asked him to please not play drums after 11:30 or 12 at night. I think that's more than reasonable.

What was most disappointing about the experience though, is that Mr. 6N left the chain lock in place when he opened the door, (because obviously Joe and I are an extremely intimidating pair), so it was impossible to tell whether there really are 18 people living up there. We were pretty sure that there are six people living there, but based on where the drums sound like they're coming from, we're no longer certain of our hypothesis.

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