Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday sounds

It's been a lazy day underneath apartment 6N, but upstairs, it's been quite the exciting day. My best guesses indicate the following activities:

• three-on-three basketball tournament (the hardwood floors in our building are pretty sweet)
• jam session involving some drums. This was no match for the likes of Androewood, but definitely a vast improvement over past repeat performances of The Verve Pipe's "The Freshman."
• foot races, including preliminary heats, and then finals. Perhaps inspired by the marathon today, the residents of 6N decided to have their own races. The course seemed to be a loop running through the living room, up the hall into the bedroom, a quick lap around the bedroom, through the kitchen, and back into the living room. The catch to this short course was that they were all wearing high heels. Tripping and falling to the ground ensued.
• roach stomping contest. Roaches move quickly, can't always get them on the first stomp.

Joe and I had the luxury of living on the top floor in our last apartment building, so we have been spoiled by not having upstairs neighbors. I've wondered sometimes if the walls in our new building are just really thin, and that maybe the residents of apartment 4N think that Joe and I are really loud. To test this theory, I just used The Google to search for "Tales from below apartment 5N" and found nothing, so obviously we are the superior upstairs neighbors. Since thin walls are clearly not the issue, we'll just keep using our roller skates to get from one end of the apartment to the other just a little bit faster.

1 comment:

Elwood said...

Did you ever consider that you may be living underneath giants?