Monday, November 10, 2008

Autumn in Little Romania

Not to be outdone by other bloggers who also take pictures of fall foliage, I brought the sub-par digital camera along on our outing to the farmers' market last weekend to capture some fall colors. This first one is a picture of the street perpendicular to ours.

Not only do we have colorful fall trees, but once you walk out of our building and go about 20 yards to the corner, you can also see big buildings and stuff.

Now most of the leaves have fallen off the trees, and to be truthful, our block doesn't really have a lot of plant life on it. On gray and rainy days, sometimes I pretend I'm living in an eastern bloc country while I walk home. I refer to our neighborhood as little Romania to Joe, due to the new Bucharestian (?) restaurant that opened a few doors down, and the abundance of other Romanian shops and restaurants nearby. So, come visit us in NY, and save yourself the cost of a plane ticket to Europe!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mandy's blog is better than Androe's. There. I said it.