Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bacon art

Last weekend Joe told me that because I was studying for finals, he'd make me whatever I wanted for dinner. I opted for macaroni and cheese, because we hadn't made it for awhile and it's delicious. When we make it we always throw in about four pieces of bacon. Since Joe is back in DC for the week, and our freezer is on its last legs, this means that I am forced to eat a lot of bacon this week.

I think I'm one of those people who's always stressed out about something, so yesterday when I got home from my last final exam ever, I made myself an enormous "To Do" list. I love making "To Do" lists, and I usually break annoying tasks down into smaller ones on the list, so that I can cross more things off and feel accomplished. Yesterday I almost put "Eat bacon" on my list.

I would like a bacon dispensing machine.

I was telling this tale to Joe tonight, and I also mentioned that I'm going to use some of the remaining bacon for something fantastic, which will be kept secret until I get everything I need for Project Bacon. I expect Project Bacon will take place tomorrow afternoon, and once it is complete, I will promptly photograph it, eat it, and blog about it. Joe asked if my project was a bacon weave. It's not. During our conversation, we somehow decided that I should use the bacon to make bacon animals, and ask our friend (formerly known as) Hobo Gary, who is a curator at a museum, if he would put my bacon animals in an upcoming Very Important Show that he's working on. Well, Hobo Gary, will you put my bacon animals in the show?