Thursday, March 26, 2009

Check out my $10.75

I am an excellent procrastinator. I'm taking a class this semester where throughout the course of the semester, I have to write five papers. I get to choose which weeks I will write the papers, although I am limited to write about the topic we are covering that particular week. I usually put things off until the last minute, and this usually means that I am up very late on Wednesday nights (usually until about 2 a.m. on Thursday mornings) finishing up my papers, which are due Thursday morning. When I am working on these papers, almost anything else seems more interesting to me than what I'm supposed to be doing.

One recent Wednesday night caught me and Joe discussing the state quarters. I was mentioning how although the Maine state quarter came out a few years ago, I have never received one in circulation. In fact, the only one I have seen is the one that I have on my keychain. We have an enormous Stella beer glass where we throw our loose change, and the discussion got us wondering how many different state quarters we had in the glass. Since I didn't have anything better to do, except continue working on my paper, I dumped out the change and began sorting quarters. This is what I found:

It turns out that we had 43 different states. We were missing Maine, Hawaii, Oregon, and four others. I actually made a list of the ones we didn't have, but then I threw it away when I was cleaning. I figure I can always re-check our quarters next Wednesday night.


joe said...

all that work and you threw it away. can't believe it.

Unknown said...

My Dad has been giving my sister, my brother in law, and I some of the mint collection versions of the state quarters for each of the last several years. I believe this past Christmas was the last year of new state quarters for a good while.

We joked about it by saying, "Excellent. $1.25. Thanks, Dad!" He was rarely amused by this.


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