As most of you know, Joe and I are pretty thin people. When I'm stressed out, I forget to eat, and I've been kind of stressed out recently about our big move and starting my Real Job. I may have lost a little weight. However, with the start of my Real Job also comes the "joy" of a more sedentary lifestyle, in which I sit at a desk for about 40 hours per week. In anticipation of my future weight gain, I bought a Wii Fit yesterday. I figure it's cheaper than a gym membership, and I won't have to worry about waiting for the machines I like at a gym. Anyway, when I was inputting my information into the Wii Fit yesterday, it informed me that not only do I have the balance of a 40 year old, but I have the balance of an underweight 40 year old. My Wii Fit proposed that to combat this, I do some strength training in order to build muscle mass. I had a different solution, though, and came home from work and had two brownies and a beer, then nachos and a glass of wine.
This is approximately how many brownies I've eaten today:

Anyway, my money-making idea is to start Mandy and Joe's Fat Camp. For the small price of $5,000 per month, you can find out the secret to staying thin and not depriving yourself. I think $5,000 is a fair price to pay. It's a sleepover camp, so Fat Campers would get to stay in the extra bedroom, and the price also includes the cost of food. We'd discount the price if the Fat Camper was willing to do some housework during the day while we're at work, or run errands. The only drawback to this idea is that it's possible that at the end of the first month, the Fat Camper will find out that Joe and I are just metabolically blessed. That's why there won't be a money-back guarantee.
this is excellent. (so are the brownies though also)
I deeply hate both of you.
(Sure, put the word "eat" in there, I effing hate you, too.)
Justin, we'll have two family packs of chicken waiting for you.
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