Wednesday, May 13, 2009

There's an app for that

Don't take this post the wrong way, because ever since I've been an unhappy AT&T wireless customer, I've wished that I'd just gone ahead and gotten an iphone instead of the one that I bought. But last night I was watching t.v., and an iphone commercial came on:

As the narrator was busy telling me that there's an app that can tell me ski conditions, the amount of calories in my lunch, and print a UPS label for me, all I could think was, "yes, and that app is called the INTERNET." If I'm not mistaken, I believe that "app" is included in the data plan that AT&T requires you to purchase.


Unknown said...

Hi, soulmate! Ha ha, just kidding.

Anyway, I made this same point the other day, and I think I even ultimately used the same phrase about it being the Interwebs. If the iPhone has the "real internet," then why do you need/want 900 bazillion apps?!


joe said...

Is there an app for "laziness"?


Unknown said...

There's a couch for that?


Mandy said...

I think it's too much work to download the app for laziness.