Monday, May 25, 2009

Tourist Saturday

On Saturday afternoon Joe and I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, to go eat pizza at Grimaldi's, killing two tourist birds with one stone.

While walking across the bridge, we ran into Hobo Gary, who was going to meet us for dinner. It was a moment reminiscent of the Sex and the City movie when Miranda and Steve meet on the Brooklyn Bridge after they decide to stay together, even though Miranda was kind of bitchy to Steve and Steve cheated on her. Our moment was better though, because we haven't cheated on Hobo Gary, and Hobo Gary isn't bitchy.

The wait in line for Grimaldi's was about 1.5 hours. During that time, I decided that it would be a good idea for someone with a lot of money to rent the vacant space next to Grimaldi's and open another pizza place called Grimaldo's. I think it's close enough that at least some tourists would accidentally go to Grimaldo's. Even if they're not confused, after waiting in line at Grimaldi's for an hour, they'll be willing to try Grimaldo's.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chocolate Delights

Yesterday I alluded to the fact that I was going to do something fabulous with some of the leftover bacon. This morning I went out and acquired the remaining necessary ingredient, and a few minutes ago, I declared Project Bacon to be a smashing success.

I made chocolate covered bacon. I like bacon, but the prospect of eating plain old bacon for a few days in a row wasn't that exciting. I scoured the internets for things that I could do with the bacon, and found a few recipes for chocolate covered bacon. I didn't want a fancy recipe because it sounded like chocolate covered bacon was either going to be a bit hit, or a huge miss, so I didn't want to invest any more money than necessary into the project. In the end, I didn't follow any particular recipe, because it doesn't take a genius to melt chocolate.

So, I went out and bought a plain old Hershey bar, and chopped about half of it into small pieces. While I did that, I threw four pieces of bacon in the oven at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes. I know I like my bacon crispy anyway, but it really needs to be crispy for this, because I think chewy chocolate covered bacon is a guaranteed disaster. Anyway, when the bacon was about done, I threw the chocolate in the microwave for 30 seconds total (be careful not to burn it if you melt it in the microwave!).

Then I broke the bacon into pieces and dipped it in the chocolate, coating both sides, and then I put it in the fridge to give the chocolate a chance to solidify. This was a good time to do a little sampling of my project, because a few of the pieces broke a little bit in the chocolate since they were so crispy.

Overall, I'm pleased with the results. If you like sweet and salty combinations (chocolate covered pretzels), and if you like chocolate, and you like bacon, there's a chance you'll like chocolate covered bacon.

There's an app for that

Don't take this post the wrong way, because ever since I've been an unhappy AT&T wireless customer, I've wished that I'd just gone ahead and gotten an iphone instead of the one that I bought. But last night I was watching t.v., and an iphone commercial came on:

As the narrator was busy telling me that there's an app that can tell me ski conditions, the amount of calories in my lunch, and print a UPS label for me, all I could think was, "yes, and that app is called the INTERNET." If I'm not mistaken, I believe that "app" is included in the data plan that AT&T requires you to purchase.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bacon art

Last weekend Joe told me that because I was studying for finals, he'd make me whatever I wanted for dinner. I opted for macaroni and cheese, because we hadn't made it for awhile and it's delicious. When we make it we always throw in about four pieces of bacon. Since Joe is back in DC for the week, and our freezer is on its last legs, this means that I am forced to eat a lot of bacon this week.

I think I'm one of those people who's always stressed out about something, so yesterday when I got home from my last final exam ever, I made myself an enormous "To Do" list. I love making "To Do" lists, and I usually break annoying tasks down into smaller ones on the list, so that I can cross more things off and feel accomplished. Yesterday I almost put "Eat bacon" on my list.

I would like a bacon dispensing machine.

I was telling this tale to Joe tonight, and I also mentioned that I'm going to use some of the remaining bacon for something fantastic, which will be kept secret until I get everything I need for Project Bacon. I expect Project Bacon will take place tomorrow afternoon, and once it is complete, I will promptly photograph it, eat it, and blog about it. Joe asked if my project was a bacon weave. It's not. During our conversation, we somehow decided that I should use the bacon to make bacon animals, and ask our friend (formerly known as) Hobo Gary, who is a curator at a museum, if he would put my bacon animals in an upcoming Very Important Show that he's working on. Well, Hobo Gary, will you put my bacon animals in the show?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Finals are over, this is what I'm doing

Actually, I'm having a beer, not a glass of wine poured into a glass by a barfing chicken. But I do love my barfing chicken pitcher, and I don't really have any other pictures to share with you at the moment.

Expect more posts in the future, now that I've got nothing but time for the next 7 weeks. So, if there's anything in particular that you always wanted to me to blog about, or if you want me to learn about a specific topic and report back to you, just let me know! Because otherwise I'll just be writing the pilot episode of my tax law show. Right now I'm picturing Samuel L. Jackson playing the IRS Special Agent (the one with the gun), but I worry that it will wind up being very similar to Law & Order, except with tax law instead of criminal and Samuel L. Jackson instead of Ice-T.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

First NY celebrity sighting!

Joe is a pretty big Law & Order fan. Since he's usually in charge of the remote control, I've wound up watching a fair amount myself, and have gotten to the point where I really enjoy it too. The show does kind of hurt my feelings though, because all of the law television shows tend to focus on criminal defense or prosecution. Where are the shows about tax lawyers? There are criminal tax cases. It's exciting, I swear. Maybe during my month and a half vacation before I start working, I'll write a pilot episode for a tax law program. Did you know that IRS Special Agents carry guns? See, tax law is exciting!!!!

My final exam today was pretty brutal. So brutal that I think the bar exam was easier. When I got home I was exhausted, but one of my good friends was in town for her birthday, so I dragged myself off the couch and went back out to celebrate with her. Once I got there, I was so glad that I went because I saw my favorite Law & Order actor at dinner!

If you want to learn more about the relationship between rap and law, let me direct you to a post on my former blog analyzing the criminal search in Jay-Z's "99 Problems."

Sunday, May 3, 2009

She's a lady

And since I'm back in NY, this is the end of my being that girl who only blogs about her cats. Tomorrow I will go back to being that girl who blogs about her upstairs neighbors.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's pretty uneventful right now, watch my latest movie

I'm still in Maine. There's not much new to report, so I'm going to be "that girl" and post a video of my cats.
The black cat doesn't like the gray cat. The gray cat likes watching herself on the computer screen.

You know what this movie needs? Drums. (When I just typed drums, it came out as 'drunks', which might also make this movie more interesting.)

And in case that doesn't fulfill your need of cats for the day, here's bonus pop art kitty: