What wound up to be so endearing about Binky is that she almost died. She suddenly stopped eating and drinking, and had some sort of kitty tumor in her stomach. The vet tried all kinds of crazy stuff for her, but she was just getting more sickly, and finally the vet determined that the answer was to euthanize her. My parents decided that we could keep her at home for one last night. Later that evening, after dinner while my mom was taking my brother to karate, the vet called and told my dad that he thought of one more thing to try for the cat, but that it probably wouldn't work. My dad drove back to the vet, picked up the prednisone, and by the time my brother got back from karate, Binky was eating again and was back to her old self. Yay steroids! So, the cat was on steroids for a few years, we eventually had to wean her off, and she's been in excellent health ever since. She even developed a little bit of a personality after her episode, and she has a shoe fetish now:
If you take your shoes off, within 30 seconds, Binky will sidle up and promptly stuff her head in the shoe. While I was in Maine over Christmas, I was bored one afternoon and thought about taking 12 seasonal photos of Binky with her head in different shoes (slippers in December, boots in January, red shoes for February, etc) to make a calendar. Then I realized that the black lab calendars are way cuter than a calendar featuring a cat with her head stuffed in a shoe, so I went back to watching television.
EDIT: My family does have another cat, Trixie. She is definitely a dick, but an amusing one. When she was a kitten, I got a little kitty leash for her and would try to take her for "walks." She was so well trained at one point that I could just take out the leash, and she would immediately run to the front door and sit and wait for me to put on her little harness. Unfortunately, cat harnesses/leashes are a little different than dog leashes, and don't have any give. So she'd dart out the door really fast, reach the end of the leash in under a second, and since I couldn't shut the door and run after her fast enough, she'd snap to a stop. Sometimes when I go back to Maine and I'm bored, I'll take her out on the leash again, which almost always results in her somehow escaping the leash, numerous scratches on my hands and arms, and her hiding under the deck hissing. Last Christmas, she wouldn't come near me for the whole time I was home, because I found some old Pokemon toy of my brother's that made a noise, and it totally freaked her out. She hid in the basement for days. Wait, maybe I'm the dick?
i would've liked that calendar.
also, i thought binky wasn't terribly friendly the few times i was in maine. trixie was a lot cooler (at least that i could see).
I said she doesn't have a personality (and is super-timid), we just like her because she almost died. She needs a good 10 years to grow on you.
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