Saturday, November 22, 2008

Joe is out of town, so Mandy is cooking dinner and stuff

Joe is gone for the weekend, leaving me to fend for myself in the kitchen.  This is actually a good thing in terms of my sense of adventure in the kitchen, because I prefer to be unsupervised while cooking.  I can be particularly self-conscious while cooking things like chicken, because I can't stand touching chicken. The only way I'll touch it is if I'm wearing gloves, which now that I think about it, is pretty weird, because I don't wear gloves to ride the NY subway, and that's probably a lot dirtier than any chicken I might touch. Anyway, I don't think I've actually cooked chicken myself since living with Joe.  Until tonight.  I was feeling particularly carnivorous on my way home from a long day studying at the library, so I stopped and got some chicken.  I got home, and got out the rubber gloves, and got to it.  

Actually, before putting on my chicken gloves, I got out all of the ingredients I would need to make buffalo chicken nachos. Then I put on my chicken gloves, and used Joe's ginormous knife (which coincidentally, I also don't like to use while being supervised. Turns out, it's pretty fun to use though) to cut the chicken into small pieces. I threw them in a small frying pan with just a tiny bit of olive oil, and cooked it until it looked done. Then I threw in a bunch of buffalo sauce, and let it simmer while I grated some cheese. I threw the cheese and chicken on some chips, threw it all in the oven for about 5 minutes, and voila!

Photos may not look super appetizing since I used the camera in my MacBook. But trust me, they were buffalicious!


thecrankyhippie said...

Nicely done, soon you will be butchering your own chickens.
- Sara

Andrew Whitacre said...
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Andrew Whitacre said...

Or your own turkeys, amirite?