Friday, July 31, 2009

We're famous!

I don't think I ever blogged about it, but Joe may have. Back in January, we went to a taping of the Maury Show. We actually got to see the taping of two shows. One was a paternity test show (you are NOT the father), and the other show was about cheating spouses/significant others (with lie detector tests!). We never bothered to call the Maury people to find out the air dates of the shows, because watching it once was more than enough.

Tonight we were watching t.v., and somehow started looking on the interwebs to see whether we could find the shows anywhere online. I was about ready to give up when I found this clip:

Pause the video at about 2:52, and admire the blue sweater and red sweater. That's us! And no, you can't see our faces. What this video also doesn't show, is that sitting right by our feet was one of the producers. She furiously wrote cue cards for the "guests" on the show, telling them when to be more confrontational, and reminding them to stick to the script. Yes, there is a script. We saw it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Future tenants?

Joe and I are in our NY apartment for the last day and night, cleaning everything. This is the floor in our NY kitchen. When we moved in, the entire kitchen floor was the gray color. We thought the linoleum was a speckled gray color. We mopped the floor, and it was still the speckled gray color. But then one day, after living in NY for about 6 months, Joe accidentally spilled some concentrated cleaner on the floor, and a white spot appeared. Turns out, our floor was once, a long, long time ago, a speckled white linoleum. Once we realized this, we were pretty disgusted. Unfortunately, regular mopping stuff doesn't do the trick. I had a leftover Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, and I used that on half of the kitchen floor today. You can tell where the magic eraser finally gave up and died.

The broker also came by today to show the apartment to someone while we were here. It was a couple about our age, and they did a quick walk-through while we chatted with the broker. I was trying to figure out a way to corner them to warn them about 6N and tell them to stay far away from this particular apartment. They were ready to leave pretty quickly, but not before they asked Joe a question about the bathtub leak, and the internet. The broker was rushing out the door while they were asking questions, so I mouthed to the potential tenant, "The upstairs neighbors have a drum set in their kitchen!!!" At least if they move in, they can't say no one warned them.

Monday, July 20, 2009

$15 Idea

In my last post, Joe asked for an example of an idea that I could sell. Well, not only do I have a sample idea that he could have bought from me, but it's an idea that could earn me some money too. I already ran the idea by Joe, and we're in agreement that this is a $15 idea, meaning that this is a Really Amazing Idea.

As most of you know, Joe and I are pretty thin people. When I'm stressed out, I forget to eat, and I've been kind of stressed out recently about our big move and starting my Real Job. I may have lost a little weight. However, with the start of my Real Job also comes the "joy" of a more sedentary lifestyle, in which I sit at a desk for about 40 hours per week. In anticipation of my future weight gain, I bought a Wii Fit yesterday. I figure it's cheaper than a gym membership, and I won't have to worry about waiting for the machines I like at a gym. Anyway, when I was inputting my information into the Wii Fit yesterday, it informed me that not only do I have the balance of a 40 year old, but I have the balance of an underweight 40 year old. My Wii Fit proposed that to combat this, I do some strength training in order to build muscle mass. I had a different solution, though, and came home from work and had two brownies and a beer, then nachos and a glass of wine.

This is approximately how many brownies I've eaten today:
Anyway, my money-making idea is to start Mandy and Joe's Fat Camp. For the small price of $5,000 per month, you can find out the secret to staying thin and not depriving yourself. I think $5,000 is a fair price to pay. It's a sleepover camp, so Fat Campers would get to stay in the extra bedroom, and the price also includes the cost of food. We'd discount the price if the Fat Camper was willing to do some housework during the day while we're at work, or run errands. The only drawback to this idea is that it's possible that at the end of the first month, the Fat Camper will find out that Joe and I are just metabolically blessed. That's why there won't be a money-back guarantee.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I still haven't been forgiven, so you get to see a picture of my other cat.

The cat with the shoe fetish. I promise that this is the last cat picture I'll post. Until my next trip to Maine. Tomorrow we move onto more important things, namely how few days left we have living under 6N and how my happiness seems to be correlated to the amount of time left in this apartment. I'm also happy because I checked our new building's website, and as of today, we don't have upstairs neighbors!!