Friday, October 31, 2008

Thanks, Bob

I'd like to give credit to Bob, since I stole his bit about the whimsy thundering across my keyboard.  I almost spit my beer on my keyboard when I read that.  

Thursday, October 30, 2008

First months under 6N

I've been living under apartment 6N for a little over two months now, and have yet to put any names or faces with the noises I hear. I'm pretty sure their cast of characters includes the following: dog, baby, couple who enjoys sexy time, guitar, steel-toed (and heeled) boots, an interior decorator who constantly rearranges the furniture, and someone practicing for the roller derby.

We had a few more pressing problems when we moved into the apartment (OMG roaches!), but one day the super dropped by with the door handle to our fridge, and I asked him about a crack in my bedroom ceiling.  He says it's just the paint, but I'm pretty sure it's gotten bigger and worse in the time we've been here.  If this is any indication, I'd say I'll be meeting the neighbors in about two more months, when they come crashing into my bedroom.

Hey there, neighbor

Since everyone I know is starting to blog, I decided to re-join the fun.  I don't really enjoy cooking like some people do though, so this will not be a food blog.  As the name suggests, I will speculate as to what the upstairs neighbors could possibly be doing to make noise 24 hours a day, but I'll also write about whatever I want.