Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Possible Tourist Endeavor
There are only a few days left in NY, and Joe and I have been trying to figure out if there are any touristy things left that we should do before the move. We talked about getting up really early on Thursday or Friday and going to the Today Show. I said that if we're going to get up that early, we need to bring a great sign to make sure that we make it on TV. Here are just a couple ideas so far: 
I'm not quite satisfied with any of them yet, except maybe the third. So, if you can come up with something spectacular enough to be on TV (I'm looking at you, Justin), I'll turn it into a poster, and I promise we'll get up super early and go try and win Al Roker's heart on Thursday or Friday morning.
I'm not quite satisfied with any of them yet, except maybe the third. So, if you can come up with something spectacular enough to be on TV (I'm looking at you, Justin), I'll turn it into a poster, and I promise we'll get up super early and go try and win Al Roker's heart on Thursday or Friday morning.
Friday, June 26, 2009
I spent a week with the cats in Maine, and I'm not even going to post pictures of the cats. So there, Newton.
Sorry for the absence, I was vacationing for the last time before the big move and the start of my new job. When Joe told one of his friends that I was in Maine for the week, the friend's comment was, "Oh no, does that mean she's only going to blog about her cats for the entire week?" I took that as a hint that it would be okay to take a brief vacation from the blog, too. Instead of showing you pictures of my cats, here's a picture from the top of Mt. Agamenticus, taken on the one sunny day of my trip.

In closing, here is a picture of the NY sky a few minutes ago. 
And another:
The votes are in (again), and it's almost unanimous that I should turn this blog over to the future residents of apartment 5N. I'm excited about this result, and I'm hoping that the future 5Ners have a solid grasp of the English language and are good enough sports to at least post and say hi. The NY lease isn't up for awhile though, so don't expect to hear anything from Future 5N until at least August. In the meantime, expect to hear more about what I've been doing to keep the noise from above from getting on my nerves.
And another:
what's that noise upstairs
Friday, June 19, 2009
Reason #2 why it's dumb to put coffee in a bag
Yesterday was another rainy day in NYC, which has been pretty standard for the past couple weeks. After packing a few boxes for our upcoming move (!!!), I decided to reward my hard work with coffee and a sugary treat, so I headed out to Sugar & Joe, a relatively new Sunnyside establishment that seems to specialize in coffee and sugary things.

Since it was pouring out, of course the paper bag holding my treats started to get soaked. I wore a raincoat instead of taking an umbrella, which was my own mistake, but the raincoat allows me to use both hands to carry coffee and cupcakes. Anyway, as you can see, I didn't make it all the way home before the paper bag just gave out, and my loot fell to the sidewalk. I was crushed, because the container holding the s'mores bar popped open, and it fell on the sidewalk. I was really glad my coffee made it unscathed, and I learned that it's always better to buy two treats, because if you drop the only cupcake you buy, well, that's even more soul-crushing.
Unfortunately, I probably missed out on the better of the two treats. I assume I did anyway, because the cupcake was really bad. The cake part was vanilla/bland-ish, and very dry. The icing was lemony, but it was kind of hard and unremarkable. I definitely wouldn't buy another cupcake there, and I don't think I'm very difficult to please when it comes to cupcakes.
It was about a ten minute walk to get there, and I was pretty soaked once I arrived. I couldn't decide what treat I wanted, so I figured I'd get one for then, and one for later so that I wouldn't have to venture out again in the rain. I chose a lemon cupcake, and a s'mores bar, in addition to my coffee. Each sugary confection was placed in an individual plastic container, and then both containers were put in a paper bag. I managed to stop the woman before she put my coffee in a separate paper bag.

Since it was pouring out, of course the paper bag holding my treats started to get soaked. I wore a raincoat instead of taking an umbrella, which was my own mistake, but the raincoat allows me to use both hands to carry coffee and cupcakes. Anyway, as you can see, I didn't make it all the way home before the paper bag just gave out, and my loot fell to the sidewalk. I was crushed, because the container holding the s'mores bar popped open, and it fell on the sidewalk. I was really glad my coffee made it unscathed, and I learned that it's always better to buy two treats, because if you drop the only cupcake you buy, well, that's even more soul-crushing.
Unfortunately, I probably missed out on the better of the two treats. I assume I did anyway, because the cupcake was really bad. The cake part was vanilla/bland-ish, and very dry. The icing was lemony, but it was kind of hard and unremarkable. I definitely wouldn't buy another cupcake there, and I don't think I'm very difficult to please when it comes to cupcakes.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The band so far
I've only received two responses to my request to start a band. Not too shabby, considering tons of people post in the musicians section of NYC Craigslist. When I first posted the ad, I almost included a line about how if the band didn't work out, the person should at least be up for drinking some beer. Turns out that maybe I should have included that line, because the first response I got was from a girl in high school. Aside from the age, she does have a knowledge of physics (though she said she doesn't want to be in the class, so protests by reading comic books in the back...not sure that qualifies, but hey, at least she read the ad!). Unfortunately, she plays the keyboard and sings, and wants to make "truly beautiful music." I just can't allow a high schooler with true musical aspirations into my new "band," because she's never had to rent her own apartment, so I'm not sure that she quite understands the real purpose of my band. Plus, it's creepy to hang out with a high schooler that you meet on Craigslist, even if it is to be in a band.
The second response, from Frank, was much more promising although he used a lot of emoticons in his response, which always makes me a bit wary. He sings, but not very well, and is a beginner on the electric guitar. His musical inspirations include Three Doors Down and Breaking Benjamin, and he wants to play music like that. Besides the excessive emoticons, he seems like a keeper for the band, mainly because I think his musical tastes will be recognizable to 6N. He also included a "p.s. say hello to your neighbors!", which I found amusing.
This cat sits in the hallway in our building a lot. As soon as it sees you, it starts hissing. I thought it looked funny sitting under the umbrella, so I took a picture, and even managed to capture the evil in his eyes. Or I just had the camera on the wrong flash setting.
what's that noise upstairs
I'm starting a band!
After figuring out yesterday that our management company has done nothing about the noise problem upstairs, I decided to use my legal research skills to read up on a few NY cases about noisy neighbors. Turns out that tenants in NYC seem to have no right to quiet, and that part of the "price" of living in a big city is dealing with noisy neighbors. And here I thought the price of living in the city was the rent I paid every month. Anyway, it seems that as long as the noise ends by around 11 p.m., courts have found that neighbors can play musical instruments, including drums, as long as their lease doesn't prohibit it. Mine doesn't prohibit it, so we're pretty much screwed in terms of enjoying any quiet in our apartment.
Rather than being upset, this information actually makes me feel a little bit better because now I know that at the very least, I don't have rights that are being violated. As a lawyer (not barred in NY though, and none of what I write is legal advice anyway!), it would really make me angry if I had rights that were being violated. Now I realize that I'm just oppressed, and what better way to rebel against oppression than to start a band? Change things through music, right?
As usual, click to make it bigger and be able to read it, it's easiest to just post Craigslist ads by taking a screenshot.
Does anyone have any good ideas about what I can name my new band?
Rather than being upset, this information actually makes me feel a little bit better because now I know that at the very least, I don't have rights that are being violated. As a lawyer (not barred in NY though, and none of what I write is legal advice anyway!), it would really make me angry if I had rights that were being violated. Now I realize that I'm just oppressed, and what better way to rebel against oppression than to start a band? Change things through music, right?

Does anyone have any good ideas about what I can name my new band?
what's that noise upstairs
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
And the votes are in! All three of them.
I have two votes to turn the blog over to the future residents of 5N (let's hope they can read/write English!), and one vote for "other". The person who chose "other" did not elaborate on what they thought I should do with the blog, though. I'm pretty sure Justin, my most frequent commenter, didn't vote. I extended the time for voting by another week just for Justin, although also because Blogger just randomly decided on the first end date for the poll.
In other news about me, I've been having a pretty bad and boring week, so I tried to turn my frown upside down by taking a walk to the bakery this morning for coffee and a chocolate croissant. The bakery lady put my croissant in one little paper bag, put my coffee in another little paper bag, and then put both paper bags inside a plastic bag. The whole "putting the cup of coffee in a bag" thing is something I've only seen in New York, and frankly, I just don't get it. Since the notion of putting a cup of coffee in a bag to make it easier to carry is so absurd to me, I often forget to speak up in time to stop the person from putting my coffee in a bag. I'm much more paranoid about spilling my coffee when I'm carrying it around in a bag than when I'm just carrying the cup.
Anyway, on my 15 minute walk home from the bakery I was convinced that my coffee was going to spill inside the bag and get my croissant all wet, which would mean that my frown would stay a frown. By the time I got home and took everything out of the plastic bag, this is what my croissant bag looked like:
I started to get a little upset with myself for not taking the coffee out of the bag, but then I realized that the croissant bag wasn't wet. The marks on it are just the butter/grease from the croissant, and for a few minutes this morning, everything was delicious and right with the world again.
In other news about me, I've been having a pretty bad and boring week, so I tried to turn my frown upside down by taking a walk to the bakery this morning for coffee and a chocolate croissant. The bakery lady put my croissant in one little paper bag, put my coffee in another little paper bag, and then put both paper bags inside a plastic bag. The whole "putting the cup of coffee in a bag" thing is something I've only seen in New York, and frankly, I just don't get it. Since the notion of putting a cup of coffee in a bag to make it easier to carry is so absurd to me, I often forget to speak up in time to stop the person from putting my coffee in a bag. I'm much more paranoid about spilling my coffee when I'm carrying it around in a bag than when I'm just carrying the cup.
Anyway, on my 15 minute walk home from the bakery I was convinced that my coffee was going to spill inside the bag and get my croissant all wet, which would mean that my frown would stay a frown. By the time I got home and took everything out of the plastic bag, this is what my croissant bag looked like:

I started to get a little upset with myself for not taking the coffee out of the bag, but then I realized that the croissant bag wasn't wet. The marks on it are just the butter/grease from the croissant, and for a few minutes this morning, everything was delicious and right with the world again.
Monday, June 8, 2009
State of the Future of My Blog
Dearest Readers,
It's approaching that time. The time I've been waiting for since about two days after I moved to New York. It's almost time to move out from underneath apartment 6N. I am writing this now, because we have an important decision to make in the next few weeks. Namely, what am I supposed to do with a blog that I started because of my obnoxious upstairs neighbors when I no longer have obnoxious upstairs neighbors (as of July 4)?
You will notice that there is now a poll in my sidebar, so that you, the three readers who have been regaled with my tales about the drumming from above, the terrible taste in music that 6Ners have, the six to seven people who live in a one-bedroom apartment above me, as well as my other random thoughts, can choose the fate of this blog. If you have other ideas, please make them known in a comment.
P.S. I hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying I won't have obnoxious upstairs neighbors in the new place. It's entirely possible that I will. I was promised by the leasing agent that they'd have to drop something very heavy for me to know they're up there, though. Something heavy like a piano.
It's approaching that time. The time I've been waiting for since about two days after I moved to New York. It's almost time to move out from underneath apartment 6N. I am writing this now, because we have an important decision to make in the next few weeks. Namely, what am I supposed to do with a blog that I started because of my obnoxious upstairs neighbors when I no longer have obnoxious upstairs neighbors (as of July 4)?
You will notice that there is now a poll in my sidebar, so that you, the three readers who have been regaled with my tales about the drumming from above, the terrible taste in music that 6Ners have, the six to seven people who live in a one-bedroom apartment above me, as well as my other random thoughts, can choose the fate of this blog. If you have other ideas, please make them known in a comment.
P.S. I hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying I won't have obnoxious upstairs neighbors in the new place. It's entirely possible that I will. I was promised by the leasing agent that they'd have to drop something very heavy for me to know they're up there, though. Something heavy like a piano.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Road trip recap
My most loyal reader and commenter, Justin, visited Joe and I in NY this weekend. The three of us rode together from DC to NY, and bad traffic meant that we were in the car together for about six hours. After the first hour, we decided our conversation should be recorded for posterity. Since the entire car ride takes up about three single-spaced pages, I am only including the highlights here.
6:11 p.m.: Justin and Joe discuss where the nearest Sonic is. In the following minute, Cookout, Bojangles, and Quizno’s are mentioned.
6:12 p.m.: Joe bitches about price of Quizno’s sandwich and mentions Butcher Block (Irish deli in NY).
6:14 p.m.: Joe debates stopping at Chik-Fil-A.
6:15 p.m.: Justin mentions Sbarro.
6:16 p.m.: I mention to Justin and Joe that in the past 5 minutes, they’ve mentioned at least 6 food places.
6:17 p.m.: Joe’s foot is warm. Justin offers to blow on it.
6:27 p.m.: Justin wasn’t 5 feet tall until the 10th grade. Joe’s growth spurt was in 9th grade. Mandy was taller in 6th grade than Justin was in 10th.
6:28 p.m.: Justin tells vulgar joke about his college growth spurt.
6:38 p.m.: Joe wants ice cream. Or protein.
6:39 p.m.: Joe wishes he had a banana.
6:57 p.m.: Justin tells us about an idea for an I “sorta kinda like” NY shirt, where the words “sorta kinda like” are in the shape of a heart, and in red letters.
7:07 p.m.: Kevin Smith wanted Superman to battle a giant spider. Giant spider instead appeared in Wild Wild West (and Harry Potter).
7:14 p.m.: See Chik-Fil-A sign.
7:14 p.m.: Joe drives to Chik-Fil-A exit.
7:15 p.m.: Discussion of Chik-Fil-A shakes. Joe likes chocolate. I think it tastes fake.
7:17 p.m.: Justin loves mayonnaise.
7:17 p.m.: Justin tries to convince Joe and I that a peanut butter, banana and mayonnaise sandwich is great. We don’t believe him.
7:43 p.m.: I finish eating, so does Justin. While eating, we discussed Justin getting a picture of himself sitting on Santa’s lap and sending it as a Christmas card.
7:44 p.m.: Joe’s milkshake straw not functioning well. Justin suggests using a chicken nugget to scoop it up.
7:50 p.m.: Observe that traffic is moving much better now, but we’re still in Maryland. Christian fast food places fix traffic problems.
8:04 p.m.: Justin is annoyed by Joe’s milkshake sucking noises.
8:05 p.m.: “Water Shed” is what Justin calls himself in the shower.
8:10 p.m.: Drive by guy driving while wearing a red graduation cap and gown.
8:18 p.m.: Justin may now be an uncle. We are all quieter, possibly in food comas.
8:22 p.m.: Welcome to NJ. We were in Delaware for 16 minutes.
8:24 p.m.: Justin and Joe have discussion about Jeff Teague while I text message a friend. In my mind, no Wake Forest moment will ever top the time Chris Paul punched that guy in the balls.
8:29 p.m.: Joe asks if Riley Skinner’s “skinner” was better. Nope.
8:39 p.m.: C3PO was gay.
8:44 p.m.: Justin makes another vulgar joke, worse than the first. He will be a bad
influence on his new nephew.
9:05 p.m.: Justin goes through a family pack of chicken every few days.
9:38 p.m.: Noticed that I lost my pen.. Joe gave me another one. Oh yay, I can keep being secretary.
9:45 p.m.: Justin tells us about old Winston-Salem slogans.
9:50 p.m.: I try to play anagrams with Winston-Salem. Slam wine snot; slam lots wine
9:56 p.m.: Male won snits
10:02 p.m.: Decide someone should start a “Little Canada”
10:02-10:09 p.m.: Discuss every possible touristy thing to do in NY.
10:22 p.m.: Notice that the boat in front of us is called the “Lusty Squid.”
10:28 p.m.: Wet mans loins
10:35 p.m.: Justin is intrigued by Giovanni’s Pizza, which serves tacos, burritos, tortas, tamales and guaraches.
10:35 p.m.: Joe explains street numbering in Queens to Justin, and explains that it bears no relation to Manhattan street numbering. I don’t think Justin cares.
Now that you've made it to the end of some of the more entertaining snippets of our conversations, let me reward you with a very blurry picture I took when we finally made it onto the Verrazano Bridge.
Don't worry, my first "grown-up job" purchase will be a digital SLR.
6:11 p.m.: Justin and Joe discuss where the nearest Sonic is. In the following minute, Cookout, Bojangles, and Quizno’s are mentioned.
6:12 p.m.: Joe bitches about price of Quizno’s sandwich and mentions Butcher Block (Irish deli in NY).
6:14 p.m.: Joe debates stopping at Chik-Fil-A.
6:15 p.m.: Justin mentions Sbarro.
6:16 p.m.: I mention to Justin and Joe that in the past 5 minutes, they’ve mentioned at least 6 food places.
6:17 p.m.: Joe’s foot is warm. Justin offers to blow on it.
6:27 p.m.: Justin wasn’t 5 feet tall until the 10th grade. Joe’s growth spurt was in 9th grade. Mandy was taller in 6th grade than Justin was in 10th.
6:28 p.m.: Justin tells vulgar joke about his college growth spurt.
6:38 p.m.: Joe wants ice cream. Or protein.
6:39 p.m.: Joe wishes he had a banana.
6:57 p.m.: Justin tells us about an idea for an I “sorta kinda like” NY shirt, where the words “sorta kinda like” are in the shape of a heart, and in red letters.
7:07 p.m.: Kevin Smith wanted Superman to battle a giant spider. Giant spider instead appeared in Wild Wild West (and Harry Potter).
7:14 p.m.: See Chik-Fil-A sign.
7:14 p.m.: Joe drives to Chik-Fil-A exit.
7:15 p.m.: Discussion of Chik-Fil-A shakes. Joe likes chocolate. I think it tastes fake.
7:17 p.m.: Justin loves mayonnaise.
7:17 p.m.: Justin tries to convince Joe and I that a peanut butter, banana and mayonnaise sandwich is great. We don’t believe him.
7:43 p.m.: I finish eating, so does Justin. While eating, we discussed Justin getting a picture of himself sitting on Santa’s lap and sending it as a Christmas card.
7:44 p.m.: Joe’s milkshake straw not functioning well. Justin suggests using a chicken nugget to scoop it up.
7:50 p.m.: Observe that traffic is moving much better now, but we’re still in Maryland. Christian fast food places fix traffic problems.
8:04 p.m.: Justin is annoyed by Joe’s milkshake sucking noises.
8:05 p.m.: “Water Shed” is what Justin calls himself in the shower.
8:10 p.m.: Drive by guy driving while wearing a red graduation cap and gown.
8:18 p.m.: Justin may now be an uncle. We are all quieter, possibly in food comas.
8:22 p.m.: Welcome to NJ. We were in Delaware for 16 minutes.
8:24 p.m.: Justin and Joe have discussion about Jeff Teague while I text message a friend. In my mind, no Wake Forest moment will ever top the time Chris Paul punched that guy in the balls.
8:29 p.m.: Joe asks if Riley Skinner’s “skinner” was better. Nope.
8:39 p.m.: C3PO was gay.
8:44 p.m.: Justin makes another vulgar joke, worse than the first. He will be a bad
influence on his new nephew.
9:05 p.m.: Justin goes through a family pack of chicken every few days.
9:38 p.m.: Noticed that I lost my pen.. Joe gave me another one. Oh yay, I can keep being secretary.
9:45 p.m.: Justin tells us about old Winston-Salem slogans.
9:50 p.m.: I try to play anagrams with Winston-Salem. Slam wine snot; slam lots wine
9:56 p.m.: Male won snits
10:02 p.m.: Decide someone should start a “Little Canada”
10:02-10:09 p.m.: Discuss every possible touristy thing to do in NY.
10:22 p.m.: Notice that the boat in front of us is called the “Lusty Squid.”
10:28 p.m.: Wet mans loins
10:35 p.m.: Justin is intrigued by Giovanni’s Pizza, which serves tacos, burritos, tortas, tamales and guaraches.
10:35 p.m.: Joe explains street numbering in Queens to Justin, and explains that it bears no relation to Manhattan street numbering. I don’t think Justin cares.
Now that you've made it to the end of some of the more entertaining snippets of our conversations, let me reward you with a very blurry picture I took when we finally made it onto the Verrazano Bridge.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I'm too clean for the NY subways
This weekend one of my college friends came to the city for a little visit. She works for a well-known environmental organization, which I'll call Preengeace, and she has some excellent stories to tell about her job. Of all the people I talk to regularly, I think her job and organization are the most fascinating.
While we were riding the subway during her visit, she was approached by a possibly intoxicated man (it was about 3 p.m.), and questioned about a necklace she was wearing. Side story about the necklace-it was given to her as a gift, and is made of coral. She doesn't wear the necklace at home or work but figured she could wear it while visiting, since she knew we weren't about to lecture her, of all people, about sustainability of coral jewelry. I wouldn't have even known what it was made of if she hadn't told me, but I'm more into blood diamonds than coral.
At least it wasn't a necklace made from this poor whale's missing teeth.
Anyway, she admitted to the man that yes, her necklace was made of coral. Then he launched into an incoherent babble about the environment, something about how he used to be a sea man (at this point, his diatribe made me think of the South Park episode with the Sea People and it was hard to keep a straight face), and how "girls like you, with your clean clothes and your detergents, they go in the water....blah blah.....incoherent ramble....fish....another mention of detergent and clean clothes and girls." I expect that this is the only incident where someone on the NY subway will complain that I'm TOO clean.
This incident made me realize that I need to apologize to all of you for being female. I guess I'm slowly killing you all with my clean clothes and laundry detergent, since there are absolutely no environmentally friendly detergents on the market.
While we were riding the subway during her visit, she was approached by a possibly intoxicated man (it was about 3 p.m.), and questioned about a necklace she was wearing. Side story about the necklace-it was given to her as a gift, and is made of coral. She doesn't wear the necklace at home or work but figured she could wear it while visiting, since she knew we weren't about to lecture her, of all people, about sustainability of coral jewelry. I wouldn't have even known what it was made of if she hadn't told me, but I'm more into blood diamonds than coral.

Anyway, she admitted to the man that yes, her necklace was made of coral. Then he launched into an incoherent babble about the environment, something about how he used to be a sea man (at this point, his diatribe made me think of the South Park episode with the Sea People and it was hard to keep a straight face), and how "girls like you, with your clean clothes and your detergents, they go in the water....blah blah.....incoherent ramble....fish....another mention of detergent and clean clothes and girls." I expect that this is the only incident where someone on the NY subway will complain that I'm TOO clean.
This incident made me realize that I need to apologize to all of you for being female. I guess I'm slowly killing you all with my clean clothes and laundry detergent, since there are absolutely no environmentally friendly detergents on the market.
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